An easy recipe for baked brie. The gooey brie mixed with the crunchy phyllo and the tangy mango chutney makes the perfect appetizer or party pleaser! It...
An easy recipe for baked brie. The gooey brie mixed with the crunchy phyllo and the tangy mango chutney makes the perfect appetizer or party pleaser! It...
Dazzle your guests with an easy but impressive appetizer. I received this recipe from a friend and have used it many times, much to the delight of my family...
Baked en croute with honey, butter, and slivered almonds, brie is perfect for a get-together with friends. Serve directly out of the oven with table crackers...
Toasted pecans and maple syrup complement the creamy Brie in this hors d'oeuvre. For the best texture, let the cheese cool before topping it with the syrup...
One of the most common mistakes people make when serving cheese is not letting it come to room temperature first, so that all the flavors can be fully...
One of the most common mistakes people make when serving cheese is not letting it come to room temperature first, so that all the flavors can be fully...
One of the most common mistakes people make when serving cheese is not letting it come to room temperature first, so that all the flavors can be fully...
I got this recipe from my boyfriend's sister. It is absolutely amazing, and very easy to do. Spend a little bit of time preparing, and a lot of time enjoying!...
My ex-wife Jamie's been making this savory Brie en croute since way back before we were married. I think she must have gotten the idea from a magazine,...
These cranberry Brie bites are an appetizer that will surely wow your guests at any party or holiday function. Tangy cranberry, creamy Brie, and crunchy...
My ex-wife Jamie's been making this savory Brie en croute since way back before we were married. I think she must have gotten the idea from a magazine,...
One of the most common mistakes people make when serving cheese is not letting it come to room temperature first, so that all the flavors can be fully...
I got this recipe from my boyfriend's sister. It is absolutely amazing, and very easy to do. Spend a little bit of time preparing, and a lot of time enjoying!...
A light, fluffy puff pastry is filled with melted Brie cheese and hot fruit preserves. If you do not want a sweet wheel, you may substitute herbed cheese...
One of the most common mistakes people make when serving cheese is not letting it come to room temperature first, so that all the flavors can be fully...
An easy recipe for baked brie. The gooey brie mixed with the crunchy phyllo and the tangy mango chutney makes the perfect appetizer or party pleaser! It...
These cranberry Brie bites are an appetizer that will surely wow your guests at any party or holiday function. Tangy cranberry, creamy Brie, and crunchy...
A light, fluffy puff pastry is filled with melted Brie cheese and hot fruit preserves. If you do not want a sweet wheel, you may substitute herbed cheese...
These cranberry Brie bites are an appetizer that will surely wow your guests at any party or holiday function. Tangy cranberry, creamy Brie, and crunchy...
These cranberry Brie bites are an appetizer that will surely wow your guests at any party or holiday function. Tangy cranberry, creamy Brie, and crunchy...